The full workflow for a general understanding reading base content:

Read the first (introductory) paragraph of the passage, then read the first sentence of each of the middle paragraphs, and then the concluding paragraph.

Skim the passage

Read the first (introductory) paragraph of the passage, then read the first sentence of each of the middle paragraphs, and then the concluding paragraph.

After having skimmed the passage you must have a clear understanding of what the passage is about, its main idea, message.

What is it all about?

Maybe an MCQ

After having skimmed the passage you must have a clear understanding of what the passage is about, its main idea, message.

Having read the passage you will be able to not only articulate the main idea but also to specify the main idea of each paragraph. It will usually be stated in the first two sentences of each paragraph.

Read the passage.

Having read the passage you will be able to not only articulate the main idea but also to specify the main idea of each paragraph. It will usually be stated in the first two sentences of each paragraph.

After having read the text you’ll be ready to describe the development of the main idea by stating the main idea of each paragraph.

Statement development

Order the main ideas of the paragraphs, excluding false main ideas.

After having read the text you’ll be ready to describe the development of the main idea by stating the main idea of each paragraph.

Identify entities & stakeholders of the events described in the passage.

Who’s in?

Mark the words in the text.

e.g. “Mark all the words meaning the main character”, “mark all the words meaning the main object of the action”, etc.

Identify entities & stakeholders of the events described in the passage.

Articulate events like “Stakeholder 1 performed an action such towards object/stakeholders 2 because/to …”

What’s happened?

For each paragraph compose the phrase resuming it.

Articulate events like “Stakeholder 1 performed an action such towards object/stakeholders 2 because/to …”

As a result you should be ready to retell the passage in your own words. This reproduction may leave out minor details, but must include the main idea, the main stakeholders/entities and the main events in the right order and with the right logical connections.


As a result you should be ready to retell the passage in your own words. This reproduction may leave out minor details, but must include the main idea, the main stakeholders/entities and the main events in the right order and with the right logical connections.