How to memorize words

How to memorize words

There are two ways to expand your vocabulary. The first is to practice the language. Simply read, listen, speak and think it. The more you do the better you get at language in general and in vocabulary as a part of it. The good thing about that way is that it’s natural and doesn’t require as may effort. The bad thing is that it’s quite long.

The other way is to memorize words. Here you can find two major ways: vocabulary lists, and flashcards. Vocabulary lists are lists of words you write on a sheet of paper


Phonetic association

Passive memory vs active memory


symbol – символ
letter – буква
vocal – гласная
consonant – согласная
hard – твёрдый
soft – мягкий
syllable – слог
word – cлово
collocation – словосочетание
phrase – фраза
expression – выражение
set expression – устойчивое выражение
sentence – предложение
paragraph – абзац
title – заголовок
margine – поля
text – текст
to translate – переводить (прямо)
to interpret – переводить (интерпретировать)
to write – писать
to compose – сочинять
to understand – понимать
to misunderstand – неправильно понимать